Monday, September 25, 2017

Nude Beaches in Hawaii for Those Who Aren’t Afraid to Let It All Hang Out

Nude Beaches in Hawaii for Those Who Aren’t Afraid to Let It All Hang Out

Nude beaches in Hawaii

Someone once said that happiness is no white bits.

Nudists get a bad rap – but they aren’t all overweight weirdos with shaved scrotums, playing bat and ball on the beach and speaking in a German accent.

The truth is that nudists are actually human…only sans clothes. Nudists are probably way happier than those of us who painstakingly stare at the wardrobe every day. They have successfully managed to demystify the human body, to feel mostly comfortable in their own skin and, of course, they get the pleasure of skinny dipping.

PS anyone who hasn’t plunged into the salty sea without a stitch between them and the ocean is certainly missing out.

Those who dare to go bare on the beaches of Hawaii are probably having a blast, apart from those who didn’t put enough sunscreen on – they are probably crying in a bath of cold tea. Yes, cold tea is actually a sunburn remedy. And, for some reason this dude thinks Earl Gray is top choice for tingling skin…

Despite Hawaii being one of the most chill islands in the world – they actually have a rather conservative attitude, when it comes to whipping it all out. Sure, letting your coconuts hang free certainly won’t land you behind bars, but stripping down to your birthday suit on private (ahem) resorts and populous public beaches may get you glares.

Then again, consuming alcohol on Hawaiian beaches is also technically illegal, so make sure that you don’t get caught with a mai tai and no tie.

Basically, if you want to go bare on the paradise islands of Hawaii, then you need to know the right spots to go. On the pure white sands, you will find flesh aplenty shimmering in the sun and no one will be batting an eyelid…

Kehena Beach, Big Island

Kehena Beach Big Island

Hidden behind a veil of gauzy green trees and rocky ledges that spill down into the sea – it’s no wonder everyone falls in love with the lure of Kehena Beach. The sand is dark and delirious, with its volcanic black grain and the white water rushes to shore.

This is one of the popular Big Island beaches for those who like to go nude as it is shielded from prying eyes. Sunbathing is bountiful – especially when you are stretched out on a soft towel with a good book in hand.

However, the currents here are strong, the waves overhead and high and the white water louder than bombs. Not that you have a swimsuit to lose, but swimming conditions can certainly be extreme.

Also worth noting- last year a nude swimmer came across a shark who was pretty pleased to see lunch laid out bare. Fortunately, the guy made it out alive and, despite his ankle being lacerated, put his pants back on before the ambulance arrived.

Little Beach, Maui

Little beach in Maui

Little Beach is every bit as adorable as it sounds and is also a clothes-optional spot beside the sea. They say that good things come in small packages (no, this is not a tongue in cheek adage attesting to the size of the clientele) and, despite its modest stretch of sand – it is every bit the picture perfect Hawaiian paradise.

It has a gentle shore break, soft apricot colored sands and gentle rolling hills that hide you from curious eyes. Boogie boarders ride the rollers with a laugh that echoes around the headland and snorkelers send up bubbles, as they explore the southern rocks at the end of the beach.

On the weekends, you can even find fire dancers and drum circles invoking spirits down on the sands. For those who want to totally embrace their free-spirited side, then Little Beach seems the right place to do it –if Ken Kesey was still alive, we wouldn’t be surprised to see him screeching and dancing around the flames on a Sunday night.

Donkey Beach, Kauai

Donkey Beach Kaui

Rugged barefoot beauty seems to pulse in every step along the way of Donkey Beach in Kauai.

Here, the water seems to breathe and spit and foam and remind you that the ocean is fully alive. Glorious to look at, refreshing to dip in, but it does come with the kind of current that can sometimes carry you away.

This is another fun place to play without a stitch to keep you from the sun. Do be warned that this is also a firm favorite with monk seals who also like to lounge in blubbery bliss on the parched pale sands. If you feel a little vulnerable, having all of your bits on show that close to a monk seal – then you may want to keep the board shorts on.

It’s also worth noting that there are no lifeguard towers on this beach. Yet, she is a dazzling spot for those who want to feel at ease in Mother Nature. The colors of green and blue blaze in every direction, the sun splashes over every inch of your body and the delightful floral lined path that leads down to the sands is even home to bathrooms, showers and a scenic pavilion overlooking the shore.

Secret Beach, Kauai

Secret Beach In Kauai, U.S.A.

The name may offer some kind of clue or suggestion as to why this is such a sacred place and one of the best nude beaches in Hawaii. Hidden at the end of a dirt road, you will feel as though you have entered a members only club – and that your name was definitely on the list!

This beach stretches on a fair bit and the further you follow the footprints in the sand – the more likely you are to stumble across the naked zone. Getting to this beach is no easy feat – you have to stumble wildly and blindly down a dirt track, pushing through hanging boughs and kicking up dust, wondering, at times, if you have gone mad.

But, once you get there, you will see soft golden sands flanked by scented trees and shades as blue and white as a watercolor painting. Everyone is super friendly and you are sure to feel completely at ease dropping the towel and letting the salty breeze whip through your hair (no, not that hair!).

Just in case you need the lowdown on how to keep your downstairs hair looking buff – check out these tips (because rashes + sand and sea = PAIN) …

Who knows, you might even run into a Funlocity writer or two?


The post Nude Beaches in Hawaii for Those Who Aren’t Afraid to Let It All Hang Out appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017


The post Blog appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours

LIVE YOUR ALOHA HAWAII TOURS – Bringing You The Best Tours On Every Island








Live Your Aloha is the leader in Hawaiian tours.  Having lived in Hawaii for many years, we have access to the best tours no matter what you’re looking to do.  Our goal is to give you the best tours, at the best price, with the best experience.  Whether you’re a local, or just visiting on vacation, we are your one stop shop for everything Hawaii.


We provide you with exclusive and premier tours on all the major islands.  Whether you want to go snorkeling in Maui, enjoy a romantic dinner cruise in Maui, or get an adrenaline rush with a helicopter ride in Oahu, we have the tours for you!

Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority, which is why we only offer a select number of tours in each category, to make sure you have the best experience possible, with the top rated tours.  Click the link below and read about all the different kinds of tours we offer in Hawaii.  No matter what your taste, we promise to have something you’ll love!



We show you the top Helicopter tours in Hawaii. We’ll give you everything you need to know before booking.


See what all the rave is about with these Maui snorkeling tours.  Only the best reviewed will make the list.


Whether you want a romantic night out, or fun with family and friends, we show you the best dinner cruises in Hawaii.


I tried everything, snorkeling, kayaking, and paddle boarding and saw a lot of wonderful fishes in every color one can imagine. Very nice people, friendly staff and cold beverages.

Valencia Mindy

Tour, Catamaran and Snorkeling Tour with Dolphins

I’m so glad we went doors off! It’s a little bit scary at first. And I wouldn’t recommend the tour for people who are afraid of heights. But even if you are a little bit, just give it a try and you won’t regret it!

Roger Thermin

Tour, Magnum PI Doors Off Helicopter Tour

The 7 zipline tour was excellent. Our guides Crystal and Wendt were wonderful. They made the entire experience very fun. We were all a bit nervous since it was our first time ziplining but they made us feel safe and secure. I would highly recommend this a exciting, family activity.


Tour, Jurassic Valley Zipline Tour



3 + 6 =


(808) 797-3675
Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours
2121 Ala Wai Blvd #3104
Honolulu, HI 96815

The post Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Tips for Living Comfortably Homeless in Hawaii

Tips for Living Comfortably Homeless in Hawaii

Hawaii on a budget

Let’s cut to the chase, being homeless sucks. You have just left college and, somehow despite your first class honors degree in Tibetan Poetry or the Lost Art of Puppetry, you aren’t getting snapped up by employers across the globe. You can’t go crawling back to your parent’s house.

What next?

How about dressing in a pin stripe suit, heading to the bank, begging a thousand bucks, booking a flight to Hawaii and hitting the Aloha State.

Let’s face it, if you are going to be down and destitute anywhere, then you may as well be poverty stricken in a spot that is soaked in sunlight, awash with surf and where you can pull pineapples out of the ground.

Being in Hawaii on a budget is sure as heck going to be way more comfortable then living in a Walmart parking lot somewhere in snow-laden Minnesota…or on your buddy Dean’s sofa. The Dean who likes to stay up all night, smoking bongs and talking Illuminati conspiracies…

Fortunately for you, we have a few ideas to throw down on how you can live comfortably in Hawaii, even if you don’t have a dime to your name or four walls to call your own…

Getting Cheap Flights

Hawaiian airlinesGetting there is half the battle, and as we are yet to develop wings and time machines (PS please hurry up evolution), stashing yourself on a plane is the only way to get to the islands.

In the modern world, being a stowaway is likely to end you up in prison and on the terrorist watch-list.

Time to dig deep in those pockets.

The best way to score cheap flights to Hawaii is to embrace full flexibility. Hey, you are reading a guide about how to be happily homeless in Hawaii, don’t tell us you are on a tight schedule. The more flexible you are with dates and departure airport, the kinder the ticket prices will be to you.

Sure, you can fly out of the butthole of Missouri in a thunderstorm at 4am, that’s no problem. It will take you 30 million hours and a billion changes to get there? Again, no problem.

Also, make sure that you don’t fly in the peak of the high season. Even if you have been dreaming of embracing your new life on Christmas day, you won’t be alone. Pick the time when no one else wants to go to Hawaii and you are more likely to bag a bargain.

Choose Kauai for the feral chickens

Yep, you definitely read that title right. The gorgeous gauzy and dreamy green garden island of Kauai is actually the home of thousands of wild chickens running amuck.

So many questions…the most important being why?

You will be picking your way through chickens at every turn. They chill in parking lot, they hang at the beach, they congregate in thick forests and they peck happily around random backyards.

One explanation is that a major hurricane, back in the 80’s, blew the coops open and these birds bolted for a taste of freedom.

Whatever the reason, its awesome news for you. All you need to do is sharpen up a spear, don a loincloth, let out a yell and go for it, Lord of the Flies style.

If spearing a chicken isn’t quite your thing, then you can always gather the fallen eggs.

Wash under waterfalls in Oahu

Sacred Falls Oahu

Living in the sun, sleeping in the jungle and getting yourself covered in chicken blood doesn’t make for a swoon-worthy smell.

Fortunately, Hawaii is brimming with beautiful scenic waterfalls and wild swimming holes. The Maunawili Falls over on Oahu may be a three-mile trek, but once you get there you can jump off the top and into a dazzlingly cool and refreshing pool. Another bonus is that this is one of the free things to do in Oahu, too.

Sure, there may be scores of tourists, but you can always pretend to be taking selfies and bucket-listing rather that scrubbing your armpits. No one will ever know…

Cloth House is All You Need in Maui

Now that you are clean and fed, you probably need some place to lay your head.

Hawaii is overflowing with luxurious resorts, beautiful villas and millionaire homes. But, bah, in the immortal words of some nameless hippy at Woodstock – a cloth house is all you need, when you got love.

Or, without the love, a cloth house is all you need, when you got brass buttons in your pocket. Just try not to replicate any of these camping fails…

Wild camping in Hawaii is not necessarily legal, but then again not illegal, either. Make sure that you source a tent that is jungle green, rather than florescent yellow, to fit into the landscape. Or, scrap the tent.  Sure, it’s nice to keep those paradise showers off your head.  But, maybe just the soft sand will do or the shade of a coconut tree.

If you fancy climbing far from the reach of tourists, then head into the clouds of Haleakala National Park on Maui or hit the goat trodden wild and wonderful forests of Hanakoa on Kauai.

Free Fun on the Big Island

Kalapana Lava Pits.

After a good night’s sleep on the sand, you may feel up for a touch of entertainment, never mind that you forgot about the tide coming in and woke up to a surge of whitewater smashing you in the face, it’s just natures alarm clock, anyway.

While surf lessons, zip lining, spa treatments and other such rambunctious fun will make you shell out (see what we did there?) a small fortune, there is still plenty of fun to be had without spending a dime.

There are loads of fun things to do for free on the Big Island. You can explore the picture perfect sights of Ka Lae, Akaka Falls, and the Kalapana Lava Pits. FYI the latter may come in useful when you feel the need to warm up from life in the great outdoors.

Head to the Kona side of the island and enjoy a free tour from the Greenwell Farm. You may have to feign interest in coffee production, but you do get a free tasting at the end.

Of course, we aren’t actually advocating fresh college grads actually flee from the comfort of their parents’ home to rough it in Hawaii – hell, this isn’t Haight Ashbury, this isn’t 1967 and we aren’t the Manson family. But, for those who want to come and take a little walk on the wild side, this is how you live island life without the price tag.


The post Tips for Living Comfortably Homeless in Hawaii appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Top 4 Helicopter Tours in Hawaii Reviewed


The 4 Best Hawaiian Helicopter Tours to Book on Your Next Vacation

Ryan, Senior Traveler, US
01 September 2017

There are few places that are better to vacation in than Hawaii, with landscapes, oceans, and islands that have unmatched beauty. Instead of trying to cover all of this on foot, many
people are opting to view the beauty via a Hawaii helicopter tour.

With lots of islands and packages to choose from, there’s no shortage of options if you decide to book a tour.  The key is deciding which tour, and which island you want to see.  In Hawaii, there are 5 islands to choose from that offer helicopter tours.

  1. Big Island
  2. Maui
  3. Oahu
  4. Kauai
  5. Lanai

Each island offers its own unique experience and sightseeing opportunities.  Depending on what you want to see, your budget, and what island you’re staying on, will play a big role in the tour you choose.

Big Island Helicopter Tours – The name speaks for itself.  Big Island is the largest of all the islands in Hawaii.  Depending on which tour you go with, you might see volcanic activity on the most geologically active environment on earth, tour the Kohala coast and its waterfalls (which many people consider to be the most beautiful scenery on the Big Island), or travel through the rainforests of the Hamakua Coast.  At the Big Island there’s lots to see.

If you’ve never been on a helicopter tour, you might be a little lost on all the companies and their packages, but that’s why I’ve taken a look at the top four companies and what you can expect.

A Complete Guide to Hawaii’s Best Helicopter Tours

Before you run out and jump in that helicopter, I’m here to help you get the best deal you possibly can. Not only do you want to think about price, but about the actual helicopter and route you’ll be taking around the Island too. There are three main companies you should look into when it comes to tours of Hawaii: Blue Hawaiian, Mauna Loa, and Paradise Copters. Each one has pros and cons when it comes to pricing and overall experience, but in all, they do share some similarities.

No matter which company you choose, there are a few things that you won’t need to worry about, such as the experience level of the pilots, all of whom are completely certified and capable of carrying you safely. Even safety features are similar, with copters completely meant to keep you and your entire party safe no matter what happens. For the most part, the actual helicopters are quite similar too.

They each make sure you have as much window space as possible to see outside, but when it comes to your preferences, you might choose one copter over the other. You can communicate two way with pilots in all three companies too, and can buy a tape of your time in the air once you’re done as well.

“See what Hawaii is all about from the best seat in the house when you book a helicopter tour in Hawaii!”

All of these features together make these three companies the best out there for touring. So, how in the world do you choose a company? Well, I made a choice based on the pricing, the packages, and the overall experience. Whether you’re looking for a tour on a budget, you want to splurge, you want to land and look around, or you want to leave the doors to the helicopter open while you fly, there is a company that’s got just the right package for you.

Can You Put a Price on Fun?

Sadly, yes, you can. Not to worry however, since with three companies to choose from, you have many options for your helicopter tour.

I’m not ashamed to say I’ve been on a budget for a while, but when you’re visiting Hawaii, who says that you can’t have a great vacation while you’re saving money? For those of you like me, Blue Hawaiian is your best bet. Out of all three companies, they certainly have the most competitive prices for their tours, with the lowest ones around parts of the Big Island being around $227-$271 per person. That being said, if you want to tour more than just the Circle of Fire plus Waterfalls or the Kohala Coast, it will cost around $520 a person for the entire Big Island Spectacular.

If you’re thinking about paying that $520, you also might want to consider Paradise Copter’s Big Island Expedition Package. At $579 per person, this tour is guaranteed to give you the most for every penny you’re spending. While Blue Hawaiian only had you out on tour for one hour and 45 minutes at most, Paradise Copter provides you with an experience that lasts for around 10 hours! You even land to explore the town of Hilo, making Paradise Copters especially unique.

Finally, Mauna Loa has tour options that are more expensive than either of these options at $630-$930 depending on if you want to see waterfalls or the coast, and increasing in price if you have four guests instead of three. If you just want the helicopter experience though, their pricing is much more manageable at only $210, and will still provide you with a wonderful time in the air.

The Packages: Who To Fly On?

I’ve hinted here and there are some packages based on pricing, but it’s time to go more in depth. You want your Big Island air experience to be as amazing as it can get, so let’s go over what each company has prepared.

Blue Hawaiian

Blue Hawaiian works constantly to
make your air experience the best one it can be, which is why they’ve completely re-vamped both the tour and the helicopter. Personally, I was impressed by Blue Hawaiian, since they’ve been the air-tour leader of Big Island since 1990. With that in mind, you know they’ve all but perfected your actual experience in the air.

As for their packages, you already know that they’re quite affordable, but what you might not know is how many packages you have to choose from. I know it can be a little overwhelming, so I’ll give you the rundown!

When it comes to the Big Island, pick from four available tours: Circle of Fire plus Waterfalls, Kohala Coast Adventure, Big Island Spectacular, and Big Island- Maui. If you’re saving money, the first two are the preferred options. To choose between those, consider what you might want to see. The tour of the Circle of Fire and Waterfalls lets you look at the most current areas of volcanic activity, and is actually perfect for families since children under two require no charge! You might prefer the Kohala Coast however, since many people consider this area to have the best scenery on the entire Big Island. Beautiful waterfalls cascade down while tower cliffs watch over the rainforest below. Of course on this tour too, children under two are also free.

Next up, you’ve got the Big Island Spectacular, which essentially includes both the Circle of Fire and Kohala Coast tour. This tour is unique however because it allows you to land at the 1200 foot Punalulu Falls on the Kohala Coast for around 20-25 minutes when you’re on the ground. You’ll be able to get up close and personal with the beautiful environment, making this tour both romantic for couples and interactive for families.

Finally there’s the Big Island Maui tour, which takes you over the largest rainforest in the United States, across the Kohala sea cliffs, and the Kohala Mountains. The fact that this tour needs at least six passengers is why groups prefer it especially. There’s such a range of things to see that it’s perfect for any outing.

Mauna Loa

Since 2006, Mauna Loa has been offering private sightseeing tours, but with an expansion of their business, you can tour over Big Island to see it like never before. This includes
four main tours: the Coastline Tour, Waterfall Tour, Helicopter Experience, and Full Island Adventure. The Coastline Tour here is a little different from Blue Hawaiian, since you view the entire coastline from Kona to Captain Cook and then back up to Hualalai and Kiholo Bay. This is perfect for those of you who really want to see the picturesque beaches on your trip.

The Waterfall Tour does let you view waterfalls of course, but the pilot will even fly in close to the falls during this tour, getting you the experience you want. You’ll also see Kohala Mountain on this tour, and at 75 minutes, is longer than the 45 minute Coastline Tour. By contrast, the Helicopter Experience is much smaller in scale, lasting only 15 minutes as they fly you from Kona airport to Kona Town. Really, this tour is if you just want to see what it’s like in a helicopter.

For a big splurge, try out the Full Island Adventure, lasting 120 minutes, and flying over multiple areas like Kilauea, the most active volcano in the world, Hilo, Hawaii’s largest city, the Hamakua Coastline, Kohala Coast, and into the valleys and over the Gold Coast. This tour may be more expensive at $1680 minimum, but you’re certainly getting your money’s worth. This is the type of tour that’s much more suited for single travelers rather than large groups.


Paradise Copters

Depart from Kona, Hilo, or Oahu with Paradise Copters to see the natural beauty of Hawaii like you’ve never seen it before. With knowledgeable pilots for this 10 hours tour, you’ll have
an experience you won’t soon forget.

Personally, I was incredibly impressed by the package offered by Paradise Copters. Their tour certainly includes the most extra features, lasting 10 hours and making it the preferred option for people who really want the full experience of Hawaii in their time there. This isn’t just a tour- but more like a day trip! It allows you to get Hawaii’s culture and beauty all in one, and while the other companies do have pilots to tell you some history, Paradise Copters has the most immersive experience.

First, you’ll fly over the Kona coffee district and Hualalai as well as Mauna Loa before you get to Kilauea to see those volcanoes. Then you’ll see the coastline and vegetation before touching down in Hilo. Complimentary ground transportation is provided as you walk around to anywhere that catches your eye, with the Botanical Gardens and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park just within driving distance. That’s only the first part of the tour! Next fly over rainforests and the Kohala valley before seeing the beautiful beaches on your way back.

This single full day tour encompasses all the other tours without breaking the bank. It’s even considered to be an easy activity level, so it’s perfect for adults, children, and seniors as well. People love it because you get so much out of it when you go, and have so much opportunity to experience Hawaii like never before.


Considerations before you fly

There are many great packages, but who do you pick? Well, each company has a few things you should be aware of prior to takeoff.

Price of course is important, but also think about who has the experience you want. If you don’t want to see all the extra features Paradise Copters has, there’s no need for the extra long tour. You might even want the pricier tour Mauna Loa offers since they are private tours, meaning that you’re in complete control.

You can ask the pilot to change routes, to maneuver so you can get the best picture possible, or even fly with the doors off for extra excitement. Neither of the other companies offers such competitive features when it comes to the Big Island, which is what makes this the preferred option for singles.

Also consider what will work best for your situation. Families tend to prefer packages that don’t drastically increase the price, so if you have children under two, Blue Hawaiian is best. The group tours of Paradise Copters may also be a good option, although single flyers and couples tend to prefer Mauna Loa due to the private tour experience. The time in the air is important too.

Obviously Paradise Copters offers the longest tour, with eight hours of the tour in Hilo, while Blue Hawaiian and Mauna Loa give you about an hour or two at most. If you want something longer, go for Paradise Copters. If you think you’ll be tired early on, Mauna Loa or Blue Hawaiian are your best bets. In the end, it all really depends on your familial situation, what you want to see, and what you’d feel most comfortable doing.


There’s a lot to think about when it comes to going on vacation, but your touring company shouldn’t be too hard to figure out with so many great options available. From companies that service every area to ones that specialize in only a few, you’re sure to get a safe and
enjoyable ride. Just sit back in any one of these specially equipped copters
and take in the view!

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The post Top 4 Helicopter Tours in Hawaii Reviewed appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.
