Saturday, February 17, 2018

Mermaid Cove

Why the Mermaid Cave Oahu Is Still Worth Seeking

If one of your childhood dreams were to be a mermaid or be lucky enough to witness such fabled creature plunge gracefully into cerulean waters, then by no means should you miss exploring the Mermaid cave while you are visiting Hawaii. Whether shrouded in mystery or simply favored for its breathtaking yet somewhat dangerous cave formation, this hidden destination has earned a spot on the bucket list of explorers. A lot of locals and tourists have already visited the sea cave and reveled in its “underwater” glory, however, it is still considered to be an off-the-map treasure (with no specific Oahu tours going to the cave), keeping human contact and unnatural developments at the minimum.

girl taking in the breathtaking views of the green water and sunlight

Facts About the Mermaid Cave Oahu

The cavernous setting with holes of varying sizes is half-submerged along the west shores of Oahu and looks out into the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean. The calming and enchanting ambiance is magically transportive, making it a favorite destination among adventurers with an imagination. Despite the pains and perils that plague visitors of the infamous cave, nobody could resist from getting bewitched by the crystal clear water rushing towards the shell-spattered shore and sun rays streaming through the cave’s crevices, painting a golden hue on the dim cavern.

Well-known as it may seem, locals are not quite sure how this elusive spot earned the moniker “Mermaid Cave”. While there are rumors of half-fish-half-human entities frequenting the sea cave when the moon is high, there is no concrete evidence to prove that it is more than just a typical tourist destination. In fact, its lack of history makes the Mermaid Cave Hawaii more mysterious –a place that is ripe with secrets.

guy hanging out inside Mermaid cove

How to get to the cave

Fans of the Mermaid Cave Oahu are relatively sworn to secrecy, which is why locating it would be as hard as the Little Mermaid’s quest to earn her legs. In addition, Oahu is known to be the third largest island in Hawaii, earning the nickname “Gathering Place”. But don’t worry, this guide will keep you sane throughout the journey, with a few tips to make the adventure last a lifetime.

As soon as you arrive on Oahu, head towards the west side and locate the Kalaniana’ole Beach Park. Some people refer to it as the Nanakuli Beach Park, so just use this if you have a hard time pronouncing the local name. The 40-acre park would be hard to navigate without a map, but just stick with tourists going to the cave or ask for directions.

The cave is located only 5 – 7 minutes from the parking lot. Head to the rocky side of the beach and look for a large gaping hole to the left.

Navigating towards the Mermaid Cave tunnels is not a walk in the park. In reality, you need to survive a short trek across jagged lava terrain to reach the ethereal sea cave. Another option, which is highly inadvisable during high tide, is to snorkel around the beach to the cave. You will run the risk of getting shoved by the waves towards the sharp edges of the cliff, which will get that adrenaline pumping similar to shark cage diving. However, the adventure will be a memorable one, especially if you are the daredevil type. Despite the possibility of cuts and the scorching heat of the sun burning whatever exposed part of your skin, the Oahuan oasis will take your breath (and temporarily, pain) away.

beautiful look inside the cave

Be Wise and Wary Before Wandering Off

When exploring an off-the-beaten-path location, it is recommended for tourists to come extra prepared. You may whine about the amount of sunscreen you have to slather on your face or the first aid kit that will weigh you down, but going the extra mile will guarantee that you won’t miss a step in your adventure.

Make your mermaid dreams come true with these top travel tips from explorers who have witnessed the wonder of Hawaii’s Mermaid Cave:

Mrmaid Cave Oahu

Let the Low Tide Lure You

Remember how legends about mermaids go? It usually involved men being dragged into the depths of the ocean. As spooky as it may seem, it is worth mentioning that plaques can be found on the rocky exterior of the Mermaid cave location in memory of people who met their demise at the mermaid’s dwelling.

Since the Mermaid Cave Oahu does not have a proper “entrance”, you need to jump down from the two holes of the cave into the secret shoreline. During high tide, the sea level is as high as the holes of the cavern. Swimming during this time would be too risky, since there’s a possibility that you could get sucked into the narrow cave opening towards the open sea. When the tide is low, especially during the summer months (May to October), you can frolic on the rocks like the Little Mermaid and sing your heart out. Mind you, the grotto provides great acoustics amplify your voice.

relaxing in the blue and green water

Save the (Mermaid) Tears for Last

According to Chinese Mythology, mermaid tears turn into pearls. However, your tears would never turn into anything of value no matter how much you cry over the bruises and scrapes you acquire during the trek to the magical Mermaid cavern. Keep your feet protected at all times by wearing aqua shoes or footwear with thick outsoles. Forget fashion and wear comfortable clothes instead. Never leave your sunscreen at home as the sun can be unforgiving during the summer season. Shade is quite lacking at the Nanakuli Beach Park, so it is better to bring that bulky umbrella if you do not want to nurse sunburns throughout your Hawaiian vacation.


Minimize the Mermaid Daydreams

It is easy to lose track of time, and even common sense, when one is daydreaming through life. While Ariel’s daydreaming did lead the mermaid to her prince charming, being reckless in a dangerous setting would eventually cause physical injury, or worse, death. Remember that underneath the crystal clear waters are more jagged rocks and oceanic trenches. Never venture too far from the cave, even during low tide. Take caution when jumping into the cave holes and navigating through dead corals.

Learn and Earn Respect

Just as Sebastian and Moana have been trying to tell moviegoers, the sea functions as the wonderful home to countless species and an important factor in the planet’s ecological balance. As tourists, we simply bask in the beauty of Mother Nature’s masterpieces. Respecting it should be our prime responsibility.

Dispose of trash properly and refrain from hoarding shells in the area. Vandalism is strictly prohibited. If you want something to reminisce on, take pictures.

Mythical or not, the rumored presence of mermaids at Mermaid Cave Oahu will surely get people talking for centuries. While nothing mysterious is brewing at the leeward coast of the island, the mystical sea cave will forever be regarded as a spot where imagination soars –or rather, swims.

Mermaid Cave Oahu Hawaii

Want to see what else Hawaii has to offer? Check out our list of the best Hawaii tours on the island

Mermaid Cave Oahu Tour

The post Mermaid Cove appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Swipe Right: 5 Tinder Personalities You’re Sure to Find in Hawaii

Swipe Right: 5 Tinder Personalities You’re Sure to Find in Hawaii


If you haven’t heard of Tinder, then you are either from the moon or in a happy monogamous relationship. Congrats!

But, for those of you single folk, Tinder will be just one of the many ways that you pick up hotties.

The concept is simple: Sign in using your Facebook account, pick your best photos (and that doesn’t include the BEST body part, yuck) and begin swiping people you want to date to the right and people who freak you the f**k out to the left. 

But, what the hell has this got to do with Hawaii? Well, casual reader, everything. You see, people don’t just visit this small cluster of islands for the sun and SPAM sandwiches.

Hawaii is full of sexually-charged adults ready to let off some well-earnt steam. Like a moth to a flame, rompers from all over the world come to chill and make-out here.

And, like Tinder, Hawaii attracts all kinds. All. Kinds. For every guy with a puppy dog smile or boasting a six pack full of rippling goodness, there’s a dude living in his condo with his mom and his X-Box. 

It’s safe to say that I’ve never been part of the Tinder crew, but ALL my friends have. One or two have gone on to find true love (sick bag) while others…errr….haven’t. (Wink wink.)

After hearing many a tragic tale of make-believe Hollywood actors really being busboys and so-called hunks being, well, not so much, I crunched some numbers and realized how Tinder and Hawaii could really be a match made in dating heaven. 

So, for your reading enjoyment, I’ve come up with this not so educational dating guide to help you wade through the courting crud that sometimes hides between the Hawaiian cracks.    

The “I’m only looking to get laid” Guy.



Shirtless, handsome and full of self-assurance, this dude oozes sex. He might start by busting out the moves and giving you cheeky glances across the dance floor.  Swoon!


This guy will be pretty up-front (ahem) about it from the start. The more buoyant of his species may even whisper his measurements into your ear at the bar, if you are both so inclined. For this guy, there’s no physical detail or fetish too personal that he won’t share, trust me.


Watch out for the “I’m only here for the day” and “I’m in the army” guys, too, as all are code words meaning a quickie behind Foodland is the most commitment that they can give you right now.


Depends what you’re looking for. If he looks non-murdery and, you know, maybe makes you hot, then do it! If he’s grabbed his balls more times than you can count or done any sort of weird thrusting move, then swipe left, even if it’s for sanitary purposes alone.

Killer Abs Dude


He’s normally always in mid-squat at the gym or covered in mud after a rather long run, flexing his muscles when he thinks everyone is looking. Can always be found by the juicer, liquefying some green stuff that he jogged to the market for.


Loves to run, work out and eat healthy. Seeking the same ultra-fit woman is his goal. No fatties allowed! Sometimes Vegan, depending on the food and how HOT he thinks you are.


Could include a straight up Sir “health nut who scowls at your fries” or Commander “fitness freak,” who will make you only eat red food from now on and run up and down Waikiki Beach every day without stopping.    


If you’re up at 5am for a sunrise hike or are someone who HAS to hit the gym every day without fail, them great, you’ve found your match. That’s one less health nut for the rest of the population to avoid!

The “WTF”



Wears black. Fully covered. Pale. Shifty looking. Possibly hiding from the cartels. 


You will just know by looking at him, trust me.


“I’m on a secret mission for the CIA” and “I only have a day left to live.”


Do I even have to tell you? Left! Always left!

The Music Man aka The Hipster


He’ll be carelessly strumming his acoustic guitar while admiring the waves. Will look like he should be in a game of “Guess Who?” because of his horn-rimmed glasses and fuzzy facial hair. Tries hard to make himself look more unattractive than he really is. 


He loves music and serenading sweet young things into the night. He has a great sense of humor, but no idea on when or where to use it. (“She’s going down, I love you Tinder” was ACTUALLY sung to a friend by a guy like this, lol.) He has views on everything, which often change depending on his mood.


“I’m too sexy for my pants” and Mr “I’m very awkward, yet hot.” 


If snuggling under a clear sky is your dream date, then it has to be right! But, be prepared to wait a LONG old time for him to finally muster up the courage to ask you out. Who has the time for that?

The Old Guy



He’ll look good, think of Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia or Tom Selleck in Blue Bloods or he won’t. Bless him. He will act cool, probably be alone. Maybe attending a vintage car show.


He say’s he is 42 but really he’s 55.  Oh, ok then, he’s not over the 60 hump, just yet. Laying on the charm is his game, because, let’s be honest, he hasn’t got a lot left. 


“The sly old dog” and “silver surfer” come to mind….


Wait…is that your mom’s friend Bill? No? Left Left. Unless he really is GC then it’s a right, stupid!

Bummed you haven’t found your perfect man in paradise? Keep swiping, left, right, left… because truly, the perfect man doesn’t exist sugar! Oh, and if he does, then he’s mine. Finders keepers!


The post Swipe Right: 5 Tinder Personalities You’re Sure to Find in Hawaii appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.
