Monday, November 6, 2017

Happy Baby or Downward Dog: Get Your Yoga Fix on Oahu

Happy Baby or Downward Dog: Get Your Yoga Fix on Oahu


The longest and most grueling election in United States history is over. It was so ugly and divisive that lifelong friends and tight-knit families are no longer speaking. I have a friend who confided to his therapist that the election caused a rift with his sibling, only to hear from the therapist that she also wasn’t speaking to her sibling for the same reason.

Maybe your guy won and you couldn’t be happier. So, you’re feeling pretty awesome. But, if your chick lost, you’re probably still suffering from a nasty case of misery, or stress or grief. Let’s face it, half of you could use some time on the mat. No, not the wrestling mat; the yoga mat.

If you’re a fan of yoga, then you probably already have a greater understanding about the connection that exists between our minds and our bodies. But, if you haven’t discovered it yet, then here’s the thing; with a controlled stretch (and a deeper awareness of your breathing) you too can become a Happy Baby.

Try yoga. I think you’ll love it! 

Hot Yoga

Photo by Hot Yoga 8

If you’re living on Oahu, or if you’re planning to visit soon, there are several spots that are perfect for rolling out your mat. Strike your pose in one of our great island studios. Or find a postcard perfect location on the island and take some deep cleansing breaths. Whatever your preference, Hawaii is the place for yoga. 

Hot Yoga 8 offers a variety of classes and you won’t have any trouble convincing your husband to join you, if you sell it like this:

“Hey, have you been feeling a little stiffy? Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself. How’d you like me to bone up on my forward bends, so that I can open up my hips and increase my sexual energy? We could even take a class by candlelight!”

(Add a suggestive smile and some bedroom eyes and you will be in a class that evening. I guaran-damn-tee it.)

Why not make it a date, and take your mate?

Friendly reminder, my fertile friends:

They also offer prenatal yoga classes (ya know, for say . . . nine months after the candlelight yoga date?)

Pregnant woman doing yoga

If being outdoors is your idea of the perfect yoga studio, then we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re stretched out on one of our beautiful beaches at sunrise or if you prefer the fine mist of one of our cascading waterfalls, the natural beauty of Hawaii is ideal for yoga. There are group, private and corporate retreats available. Check out some great spots and book a session

Perhaps you’ve been a yoga student for years. Have you ever said to yourself “I could probably teach this class, if they twisted my arm,” (your arms were likely twisted in an Eagle Pose while you had this epiphany).  Well, maybe it’s time that you start your own yoga training, so that you can take your passion and share it with others! Learn to be a yoga instructor, here at the Hawaii Yoga Institute.

Alright, alright, alright (that’s my Matthew McConaughey impression~~~nailed it! Right?) Anyway, listen up all you military heroes. How’d you like to do yoga with other members and veterans (and even family members)? I do hope you all know how much this nation appreciates you and that we all think you deserve a great big round of applause. Yoga would be a great tool to help you stay both physically and mentally strong.  Here’s a great inspirational story of a double amputee who credits yoga with saving his life. Inspired and eager to share, he then became a yoga instructor.

If you’re interested in what yoga can do for you, check out this great opportunity, soldier! And again, thank you!

“Just because there’s snow on the roof, doesn’t mean there’s not a fire in the furnace.” This is how my mom explains that seniors are still checking out Hollywood’s young, hot actors. Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and some guy from the Mentalist. . . they all apparently keep her furnace burning. She’s hilarious and she’s my inspiration. Anyway, the point is; our seniors need to keep their bones and joints and hearts and minds on fire. And obviously, they need to keep their furnaces burning too! Here is a great spot for seniors interested in learning yoga

Wanderlust Oahu

Photo By Jackon Tyler Eddy

Attention all you hippie-dippie-granola-hemp-bongo fans. Look at what’s headed to Hawaii in February! Want to do some kickass yoga, listen to great music, eat amazing foods and hear inspirational lectures? Hey, who doesn’t? Grab your mat, your bong (kidding, kidding), and your henna and get your ass to Wanderlust! Buy your tickets early for this festival. It’s sure to be an amazing experience.

Okay, once you’ve decided to try yoga, you’re gonna need a few basics. Choose clothing that allows you to move uninhibited, but also offers a little coverage. Wearing your booty shorts, while bent in a Downward Facing Dog pose, really isn’t what your poor classmate behind you signed up for. This warning is not just for the chicks either. Okay, fella? No one wants to know just how happy you are to be in a yoga class. Get me? You can find looser fitting shorts from Macy’s and Nordstroms at the Ala Moana Mall. Ladies, you can find some great yoga wear on the island at Lily Lotus.   

Whether you’re on Oahu or not, you can get some awesome yoga wear shipped right to your front door. There is a great site by Kate Hudson offering workout wear at really great prices. Of course, everyone knows that she’d look great in a pair of grease-stained coveralls. But, her site (Fabletics) has great colors, patterns and flattering styles for all body types and sizes. And she offers a really great deal for first time buyers.

I thought it would be cool to share one of my favorite yoga instructor’s videos. I found her on YouTube and I’ve done a few of her yoga workouts. And, I just really like her. She’s cute, and funny and encouraging. If you get a chance, (or you just don’t make it to your scheduled yoga class someday) give her a try. Check out Yoga with Adriene.   

I wish I could tell the half of the population that’s still in mourning and stressing about the outcome of this election that you’ll all be over it soon.

But, I can’t.

What I can say is this, you can create your own happy place.

Woman doing yoga

Maybe it’s next to a waterfall on Oahu.

Maybe it’s in the yoga studio in your own hometown.

Maybe it’s in the privacy of your home, watching “Yoga with Adriene”, as she teaches you how to breathe and relax.

Find or create a happy place where no one can steal your joy, and visit there often.

Finally, remember this.

We are The Great Melting Pot.

Each citizen adds a special and unique flavor to this country.

And that’s what will make America great.




The post Happy Baby or Downward Dog: Get Your Yoga Fix on Oahu appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


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