Monday, January 29, 2018

Live the High Life: 5 Easy Ways to Burn Through Your Dosh While in Hawaii

Live the High Life: 5 Easy Ways to Burn Through Your Dosh While in Hawaii

Throwing money - Blowing Money in Hawaii

Money. Everyone has an opinion on it and all of us want more of it. 

But, the what-ifs are getting pretty old now. Life is too short, the number on your paycheck is finally as long as your arm and you want to start living it up! 

So, why not just get on with it?

You work hard for a living and deserve everything life has to offer. What is money for, anyway, except to spend it? Be daring, not dull and there couldn’t be an easier place than Hawaii to flash that cash.

Jason Belfort, eat your heart out, baby. Not even the feds will catch on to what you’re doing here

Here are five easy ways to blow all of your money today in Hawaii and guarantee yourself a penniless tomorrow.

Sleep Well

St. Regis in princeville hawaii - Blowing Money in Hawaii

Hawaii is well known for its celebs, so you’d be right in thinking that there’s no shortage of amazing places to stay. But, what if you’re the one percent of the population who has more money than sense?

Well, you’d properly book a month at the St Regis in Princeville. With rooms bigger than your three-bed condo and overlooking Hanalei Bay, prices start at $360 per night, and come on, if it’s good enough for Alicia Keys, then it’s good enough for anyone!

If you’d prefer to rub shoulders with the cooler brand of A-lister or two, then it’s The Kahala Hotel and Resort that you need. The perfect retreat for your Lindsey Lohan or Kayne West, this place is the nuts. Boasted guests include Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods and Snoop Dogg, all very well-known celebs who love to blow that dough.

Eat Out Often

Why spend your valuable free time slaving over a hot stove, when you can eat out all day? And hey, you’re helping the local economy right?

Hawaii’s culinary scene has never been more ‘in.’  With an excess of fresh, seasonal ingredients from local farmers and fishermen, plus the islands’ rising local chef talent, Hawaii is a gluttonous paradise.   

From delicately spiced poke (raw marinated ahi tuna) to regional melting pot dishes inspired by Filipino and Portuguese home recipes, there are dozens of Hawaiian restaurants that will very easily eat away a month’s wage (so to speak). Just don’t forget to get your PA to make that very important reservation ahead of time.

Check out the Beach House in Poipu, a lavish spot south on Kauai. The best time to get down there is around 5.30 pm, so that you catch the soft ocean waves with a minimal audience. Voted Hale Aina Best Restaurant Award winner, sixteen years in a row, the Beach House is fine dining at its most extreme.

For Asian-fusion excellence, Alan Wong’s is the place to go. One of the inventors of Hawaii Regional Cuisine, Chef Wong creates remarkable flavors in dishes that you won’t be able to pronounce.

All this fragrant mastery doesn’t come cheap and (shock horror) there’s no ocean view (the restaurant is on the third floor of an office building).  But, who cares, you’re here for food, not the view! 

Yacht in Hawaii - Blowing Money in Hawaii

What to Do

What can you NOT do would be a simpler answer!

Whether you’re a beach bum or an adrenalin junkie; if you have the cash, then Hawaii has the stash.

Why not rent a yacht and sail around the islands with your own personal crew leading the way?

If you have a do or die attitude and I don’t blame you for that at this point, then why not try out one of the many extreme sports that Hawaii has to offer? Give zip-lining a go, brave an ATV tour or learn how to kayak and surf in the clearest ocean that you can find.

Scrap that.

Commandeer a helicopter and soar over the dramatic Na Pali coastline and the secluded beaches of Kauai’s north shore, a favored hangout of Jennifer Aniston, don’t you know…

If you’re feeling active, there’re plenty of hiking trails around Kokee State Park that lead down into its 3,500-feet deep gorges. Why walk, though, when you can pay someone (like me) to give you a piggy back ride instead? Sweat and Prada? No, thank you. 

If all that sport sounds too much to bear, then why not buy yourself a tour company and get them to chauffeur you around all day.

Visit Waimea Canyon, Wailea River and Fern Grotto on an adventure day trip. Make your first stop the Spouting Horn blowhole, followed by panoramic views of the exciting red and green majestic canyon. Then, as you sail down the Wailea River solo, have a go at hula dancing.  It won’t be for you, but it will keep you amused while you sail. 

Spa It Up 

Asian Woman In The Spa Salon, Massage The Head - Blowing Money in Hawaii

Forget all this talk about actually doing something.  You’re here to blow your lot and you damn well plan on doing that!

In Hawaii, you don’t even have to lift a finger and $200 of your well-earned money will be gone. Poof!

The best place to ‘lose’ your money is at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai. Forget what you THINK you know about spas, because this is the real deal.

The 28,000-square-foot Spa mixes tropical gardens with cool interior areas, yet still keeps its distinctly Hawaiian feel.

Enjoy relaxing by the quiet stream in the open-air Waiea (Water of Life) garden or relish one of the many lap pools and whirlpools, all arranged amidst the wonderfully lush greenery.

Massages and body treatments are enjoyed outdoors in the exotic hales, mega secluded for privacy. Bliss.

There are, of course, loads of others that could become your sanctuary. The Royal Hawaiian, a Luxury Collection Resort is one of those, ranked 2nd in the most exclusive “Spas of America Top 100 Spas of 2015.”

Shop till Your Credit Card Drops

Don’t bother walking the mall, move past the tourist traps and find the little hidden boutiques throughout Hawaii.

O’ahu may be famous for its white sand and paradise views, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find the hotbed of creative talent that is popping up all over.

Mono and Fishcake (great names huh?) are the ones to try first, but here’s a sneaky list, if you just can’t be bothered to search them all out for yourself. I don’t blame you, I mean, time is money right?

So there you have it. Burn baby burn has a whole new meaning now, right?


The post Live the High Life: 5 Easy Ways to Burn Through Your Dosh While in Hawaii appeared first on Live Your Aloha Hawaii Tours & Activities.


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